Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our World

What has the world come to, when people (not to name names) can pull a muscle/hurt their arm when playing Wii (intense game!) or playing badminton (who knows)? It is a sad one. Let me tell you.

But you know what’s a happy one??? When you make your first goal in your last game!!! Pretty cool J….It was amazing, no biggie!!


  1. or when you run into a stop sign and it cuts some of your hair off stupid do you get

  2. Great job on scoring the goal, Hannah! Doesn't that feeling of victory feel...victorious? Haha. Ummm, Hana, how did you run into a stop sign? Not that I don't think that that's a totally normal thing to do, but...why? :P

  3. psh it wasnt me..where did u get that idea :) silly billy

  4. it, actuelly, happened to both of us. me before the game, her, after!!!

    thanks :) it was almost victorious...if only we had won. we tied. thats ok thought :)

  5. Oh wow. Why can't I have normal friends who don't run into traffic signs?? Just kidding, you know I love you guys and you make me laugh!! And Hannah, that was your shining moment, and it was the shining moment that made you guys tie, which is better than losing, right? RIGHT?!? Right :P

  6. RIGHT!
    And if ya ask me i think we won. their goal was a free kick so it was bound to go in

    and HANNAH YOU RAN INTO A STOP SIGN TOO? how did i end up getting hurt and losing my hair and you didnt?? canoli

  7. To me, you guys won :) Hana, your hair still looks fine :P don't worry about what the stop sign did to it :D

  8. yeah, i did. before you the game...hmmm, maybe i should run into stop sign more often, i mean, i DID make a goal right after... :)

  9. I'm sure running into the stop sign had everything to do with that goal, Hannah :P

  10. maybe :)

    ill just run into the sign again right before my next game, then maybe ill get another goal!! haha, jk :)
