Thursday, September 30, 2010


Guess what?? Its the big weekend!!


And do you want to hear a secret...actually, its not a secret, so yell it loud and clear (epecially so southridge can hear it)?????

Well, here goes...BEAVERTON is going to KILL southridge!!! Just sayin :) cause their team is kinda.......well, not the best. i mean, they have sophomore on the varsity team-which should tell you about how well their team plays!!

Well, see you at the game!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Tree

This tree is a special one, it has been through a lot. Decapitated, destroyed at the trunk where it matters most. Yet despite all of its hardships, it has only grown closer together, the branches thickening and strengthening. Because the poison that was once part of it, has been cut off. The leaves have become more lush, and they multiply many more times quicker than ever before. But because the tree was cut down, it is laying on its side, and it knows it won't ever be put back up, because the things that were done were irreparable. so it is crying. Crying all the tears it hadn't when it was in the shock of being cut down. Because this wasn't a one day thing. This tree has been cut many times before it fell. So here it is, clinging to the one thing it knows won't move, the one thing it had originally sprouted out from, then took root in it. The stability of the ground comforts it. And so here it will lay, as the the other trees grow tall and strong, it must remain on the ground, because of those many cuts, those many degrading actions that had taken place, all ending in he call of Timber! on Saturday afternoon. Sometimes the tree wonders how tall it might have grown, how strong it might have gotten, if it hadn't been cut down...And each new day, it has to forgive. Forgive the damage that was done. So it does. But that does not repair the damage, it only makes room for love. Because it knows now, that at the end of the day, what else really matters? It is the love that holds this tree together, even when it was the thing that was threatening, keeps it from rotting, from falling all the way apart.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Guess what?? just in case you don't know.....its FRIDAY!!!!!!!! just sayin'. idk why, but i am pretty psyched!! today was amazing! but long.........and math was booorrring. so was science. and english. and last and definatly least, spanish. no worries though, every minute, its getting better!!

so, with your extremely amazing, fun, exciting, lovable, happy, miraculous, great, awesome, incredible, fascinating, marvelous, stunning, surprising, unbelievable, wonderful, enjoyable, amusing, boisterous, lively, entertaining, merry, exquisite, pleasing, nice, captivating, splendid, delectable, Friday..what will you do?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ashton (my older brother) moved out, he went to college-finally! And so, we changed rooms........and......wait for it.........guess who got there own room????

No, really, guess.

Me!!! Last night was my first time, like ever, sleeping in my own room! I am pretty psyched!

Just sayin'

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Remember those days when we could be what ever we wanted? A princess one day, a pirate the next? Or a a famous actor and singer one minute, then instantly switch to a flying bird? You could be anything, you could do anything. Now, we have the choice and the chance to become what we want. A teacher, an archeologist, an author, a photographer, a drug and alcohol counselor, a FBI agent...anything.The only difference is that we are actually are doing them. What used to be fantasy, has become a reality. But the point is, that you can still do anything. That is the power of America. We are taught that no matter how hard or difficult the task seems, if we keep trying, take some risks, and believe, we can accomplish even the impossible. And now, as we get older, everything that had seemed so distant, is coming, nearer and nearer. And the only thing we can do is prepare, and know that we can be anything, or do anything. Just love, just care, and just forgive. Because at the end of the day, when we are done playing princess, singing in our own 1 person audience concerts, and flying through our skies wings spread wide, that is all that really matters.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hannah and Carley
At first look, we are the same. We are labeled as twins, the identical kind, exactly alike. Yet as you get to know us, we become different, because we are different, we are not the same. We are the Twinsies, Hannahcarley (as one word), Smith Twins or girls, HC, and The Twinkies. We are Hannah and Carley.

Some may say we are identical, inside and out. But others, those few who really know us, can testify against that. We may look a lot alike, but in reality, we are as alike as the colors blue and yellow. Carley has short (or should I say, shorter) hair, no braces, and loves to play basketball. I, on the other hand, have long hair, braces, and instead of basketball, I love to play soccer. Although we are different, we are still very alike. We both have blue eyes, have a great time with our friends, and love to read. If it weren’t for school, our lives would single-handedly be made up of sports, friends, and books. Yet we cannot deny the inevitable, we go to school. We go 5 days out of a week, 6 hours and 25 minutes every day, 4 classes a day, and do homework (a continuation of school) every night. Sad day, I know. This is another thing we hold in common; we both think school is boring. Carley is a yellow, a bright and excited color. I am a blue, a happy, soothing color. Separate they are simply primary colors, but together, they create green, a secondary color, something new, running deeper and fuller, because together, we become much more.

We all have names. Something we are called. Whether good or bad, we constantly are being labeled. Yet these names are not who we really are, our actions determine who we become. Both Carley and I are students, learners and sisters. We are both sisters in law, soon maybe even aunts. We also all have things we are referred to, each of us has something that we are specified as, either as a name or not. Carley is usually the “loud one” as I am the more “subdued” between the two of us. She can never stop talking or just start making sound quietly. When she talks, it is always loud for everyone to hear, so what she says is never missed. I prefer to hum, making sound that way, expressing my feelings, or talking quietly, my words meant for only the few I was aiming them towards. But because we are all being labeled, constantly, we must act who how we want to be called. To us, having the right name is important, for what we are called is who people see us as, not who we really are. We are different, because she is Carley, and I am Hannah.

Characteristics are what make up who we are. All of us have many of these unique traits. Carley is always loud, bursting of energy, which she gets rid of by her blaring and boisterous actions. She readily accepts anyone who crosses her path, and everyone who does, can feel her passion and love for basketball just radiate off of her. She has the air of being a leader. You can tell just by the way she acts around people, and in turn, how they react when they are near her. I, like her, am full of energy, but I, on the other hand, use it and express it not only through my actions, but through my ideas. I communicate these ideas and thoughts through writing. I spend all of my free time in bed, reading and writing. Or you can see me in the kitchen, creating, baking and cooking something containing chocolate. I, also, have something on which I rely heavily on, something to take out my anger, my hurt, everything that went wrong that day. I rely on soccer. Soccer, to me, is more than a mere sport, it is something I love, something I use to get my out my feelings. We all have, and we all are made up of these traits, they are who we are.

I pause to think what I would be like without Carley. Would I be the loud one, always talking? Would I love basketball, or even play it at all? Would I have my own room? Or what if I wasn’t here? Would she love to bake, not just eat? Would she prefer soccer over basketball? Then I stop, I realize that it doesn’t matter what it might have been, because we are both here now. So now, instead, I wonder what we can do, who we can be. And although we are very alike, we are also different at the same time. And I know, without a doubt, that we are alike, yet not the same, we are close, yet not one. We are Hannah and Carley, a vibrant green.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Sometimes I read
to get the adventure.
Or the suspense.
Or the Romance.

But most of all,
I read
For reassurance
That everything
will be okay
That nothing
won't not be

That everything is
going to be
all right
That the problem will be

Darcy and Elizabeth
Bingley and Jane
Best friends
Eragon and Aria
The King and I
Harry and Voldemort

Because in books
They will

No one has lose their house
No one has break their heart
Nothing scary has to happen
Anyone evil can be defeated
No one has to die

And if they do happen
Its okay
Because it't not
And everyone
It will be okay

But life really is like
A story book with

With the steady, constant things
The new page every so many lines
Every page number in chronological order
Period at ends of sentences

But also with
The different smells of each book
The plots twists
The different messes on each page
The bent spine

And so I look to
But for more than the

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Guess What?? I get my braces off on October 18th, which is currently my favorite day! I am super psyched!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hey Everyone!
I know the picture probably doesn't make sense unless you were in my 7th grade English class. So here, it has to do with this poem I wrote. I wanted to add it to my blog because to me, it is something of a fantasy-don't worry, it's not real!


Surrounded by daises

I begin

He loves me, he loves me not

With the sky so pure

And spring so near

He loves me, he loves me not

With happy laugher echoing across the school grounds

And the bounce of a ball against the pavement

He loves me, he loves me not

One can only hope

Only wish

He loves me, he loves me not

Feeling a gaze like nails-piercing me to the heart

But they’re eyes that are full of wonder-confusion

He loves me, he loves me not

I look up

He is watching me

He loves me, he loves me not

I am sitting on grass, prickly like needles

My bare purple nails are winking with the sun

He loves me, he loves me not

He stands and smiles

My heart feels like it is going to blow away

He loves me, he loves me not

But it is heavy, and stays on the ground

He is walking past me

He loves me, he loves me not

He keeps going-

I am but a fly buzzing on the window

He loves me, he loves me not

Stopping, he bends down on one knee-picking up something

A daisy

He loves me, he loves me not

Now-picking off the petals, one at a time

Smiling at some, wincing at others

He loves me, he loves me not

He is grinning

Holding his daisy like a crown

He loves me, he loves me not

With one petal left on his crown

He glances up at me

He loves me, he loves me not

He is standing-walking

Towards me

He loves me, he loves me not

Pulling me to my feet-our hands are clasped by our sides

He whispers in my ear, picking the last jewel off his crown

She loves me


Hey Everyone!
This blog in my mind is somewhere where I can write about my life, things I have done, things I want to do, my dreams and thoughts. I want this blog to be where people can freely comment about anything. This is my first time having a blog, so I would like any advice or ideas you have! Thanks!