Lots of Love

I felt I should make this a page in my blog. I felt it deserved it. I felt I must show some decency, after all, it was the name I was going to call my blog.
At that time in my life,when I first started this blog everything about love seemed to change.
I thought I knew what it was
I thought I had it-I had family, friends...

That moment, it tested me so hard
From the point where love had always meant the most
My family
And then my friends

You see, at the time, when everything seemed to fall apart, I didn't know what to hang on to
I didn't know who to talk to
Because everyone seemed to be part of the Love that was falling apart

So I wrote to myself,check my journal...(no, please don't)
And something clicked, I don't know how, and at that time, why. That maybe, if I wrote on something that people could see, then i wouldn't be crazy, talking to myself, that i would crush any remaining love

And so I knew I couldn't write about it directly, at least, not then, and not to them

Of course, to most, this will make no sense, maybe it will only to me. But I will at least know that I got it down on paper. I will at least know that any indecency toward the name I didn't use, can be gone, and it will get what it finally deserves; the real story.