Monday, October 18, 2010


Though it is not only those little things...sometimes its those big things. Those birthdays, those straight A's, or those family vacations. In my case, getting my braces off. That is huge. For me, I mean.

Fianlly, after 2 years, 2 years and 2 months, they will be gone. Today at 9:20, my teeth will be perfect. No blemishes. Which, I must say, is totally cool with me.

Still, I'm freaking out, as in, I am super nervous. No reason to, though. I mean, I have been waiting for this moment for 2 years and 2 months. What's not to like, right? But I think I'll get over it. No worries.

Its going to be pretty much amazing. No biggie.


  1. After two years and two months...finally!!! I'm so happy for you! Not that you didn't look just as pretty with braces (I really couldn't care less), but you've been talking about this day for about three months, so it's finally happening!

  2. IK!!! i am so glad the day finally came!! i don't know how i would've waited any longer!! Thanks :)
