Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hot Rod

Ahhh...gotta love Rod.

Rod Kimble: My safe word will be whiskey [enunciates the h].
Kevin Powell: [confused] Sorry, Rod, what was that?
Rod Kimble: [same pronunciation] Whiskey.
Kevin Powell: [still confused] Don't you mean whiskey?
Rod Kimble: Hwat?
Kevin Powell: You're saying it weird.
Rod Kimble: Saying hwat hweird?
Kevin Powell: All of it.
Rod Kimble: Hwere do you get off?
Kevin Powell: I just don't get why you're saying it that way.
Rod Kimble: Hwy am I saying hwat hwat hway?
Kevin Powell: Forget it.
Rod Kimble: I hwill! I hwill forget it!
Rod Kimble: Woah, whiskey! Whiskey! Whiiskeeeeeeeeeey! Whiskeeey! Whiskeeeeey! [runs into a parked RV]

I mean, come one! hwere do they get off?


  1. Lolz toooooooooo funny. What's the safe word for? A driving lesson????

  2. lol. no-its part of a movie, and its a safe word for just in case he crashed, cause he is going down on a skateboard....

  3. hwhiskeeeeeeeeeyyy thats me falling of the wall today :) and almost swinging into the desk

    gooood times

  4. you fell off a wall today??? oh-in rockclimbing!!! got it, got it....

  5. no kidding....don't worry, soon you'l have buns of steel
